Friday 23 May 2014

What Makes Us

What makes a person who they are? could it be parents? or could it be friends? some people say is the friends you mix with but certain people tend to unfriend a certain group, so what could be the cause of that? parental teaching and guidance since small? if so, then why do parents say choose your friends wisely when in the beginning, it could just be because of your parents teaching that make your choises of friends specific to the way you were brought up, which is why you have a selected criteria for people to be your friends. Then can we still say that parents are the people that makes a person who they are right now? or could it just be self development and change of mind set as age takes place that makes us who we are?. But still people always say that the base of everything is the most important, so does it still goes back to the parents?

Like for example, our favourite song maybe modern and whats in trend, as new songs are produced we tend to prefer less of the past, but we stil kick to the beat of old school 80's and 90's songs that we always hear at home with our parents before we were opened up to the music of the generation. Then, it would be because of the way life rotates around us and we tend to follow what's in trend during that period of time we are in. So, are we still aligined to the way our parents brought us up? think about it, we may be different caused by the trend that is going on around us, new ideas pops up, but what if that modern age idea crumbles down, won't we always go back to the base of everything from where we try to change and make things new? which is back to basics/old school.

So if in the end, something happens to us during our steps to allign to the trend of the new and modern era, will we still fall back to our parents teaching? because of that, it might be the reason we are still standing at the moment reading this. Their teaching seems to be like a survival kit when we're in need, being lost in the jungle of lions and wolfs that preys on the most bottom of the food chart, who would provide us with the basics of survival other than them if it was our first time out into the real world of "kill or be killed". At the end of the day home is where we go back too, from where we are brought up, our childhood memories, our base of every teaching in life, no matter how long we've moved out and how much we have changed, home will never be apart because it is always in our heart, being the base of everything that we plan or choose to be when growing up. It is also our escape from everything out there, our comfort zone, our place of serenity to forget about everything else that makes us the hunter of the wild, dodging bullets and taking in some.

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