Friday 30 May 2014


Human nature, the prefer things that make them happy, gives them joy and change their past painful life into a beautiful one. They prefer something that brightens up their darkness, gives them hope, gives them faith. All these things are just needs and wants in life where actually, in the beginning, they can give themselves those without having given by others, it aall depends on us, the way we think, the way we act, the way we treat people actually and how we want people to treat us back. If we have our mindset on the people that we only allow to be part of us, only then would we find happiness in ourselves because we surround ourselves with people that makes us feel confortable having around us.

But eventhough sometimes we might already have something that makes us happy in life but some how we just tend to neglect it because of what we already have, but what we already have might not make us happy, but because we have been striving all our life for it, working hard for it, and now since we've alreaady got it, we just dont want to lose all our hardwork even if it means killing us. We are too lazy to start all over again, worry that the new opportunity would be worse, the fear of not trying, the fear of risking something totally different than what we already have is what blind us from what actually makes us happy and might actually be better than what we already have.

How then would we change the mind set of these kind of people? would it be that we have to show them everything that they can gain out of it if theý throw away their past and try something new that they were afraid of?. But, if we show them all that they can gain from it, wouldnt it be boring then? wouldnt they take foregranted of it even more as they expect things to work out the way it is in the end without working hard for it?. It is like putting in a cheat code for a game, knowing all the ways to get out of traps, getting everything that we have to work hard for to get by going through obstacles.Wouldnt that defeats the whole purpose of learning something new, trying new things and risking to see what sells and what doesnt, what is worth and what is not.

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