Friday 23 May 2014


When your life is at its peak of thrill, relaxation and a good life style, the moment that every problem seems to be easily solved with the help of everything you have in store, suddenly, shit happens, the one thing that man always fail to see it coming, to even enjoy life a little bit more, then one day sit down and start to think about it, and before you have all that time in the world, everything you’ve worked for, everything that you struggled for, came crashing down on you like loosed lego bricks, your whole faith goes down with it, the effort of picking it back up and building it fades away, your mind wonders around like a compass with no north pole. Life at that moment seems lost.

It all started when parents became the most important part of your life, nothing can go wrong if you kept listening to their advice as they are always right, always the most knowledgeable one, and always the guidance in troubled times. This is how some of us, got into trouble with our lives, not living it to the fullest, living it the old school as your parents had once grown up with as a child, not trying new things but always stick to the things that you feel most suited to your comfort zone. With all this you might start to feel depressed as you may not fit in to the modern life style, not being able or having the courage to fit in with new friends as you feel backtracked of all the modern life style and environment that seems so new to you.

Space and time is what you need away from all things that is within your comfort zone, the more you get out, the more you experience, the more you explore, the more you see, the more you try, the more you learn. People tend to get more cooped up these days with technology, work, money and status. What you drive, where you stay, even what u can afford to eat seems to reflect on who you are instead of your real personality. You then create a whole new person of yourself just so you can fit in, able to find a place to slide into like melted ice water into cracks on the floor when you’re feeling out of place for being the real you.

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