Friday 23 May 2014

The Past and Future of Jazz

I was sitting at a café while listening to my music and going through facebook when I realize nothing much in life has actually changed. The music I’m listening too at the moment is blues and jazz, then it hit me, could it be when a jazz masterpiece was created; the songwriter was having his usual regular coffee at a café, in the open, looking out in the blue skies above his head wondering how would it feel like to have such freedom like the birds flying around, same as how his mind wonders freely into the world of symphony and music notes, whereby each notes flies around but instead of the sounds of flapping wings and birds chirping, it was the sound of notes from musical instruments arranging themselves into lines to create a melody.

Why I say such is because of the sounds I hear around me within the past hour, the sound of cars passing by, click-clacks of high heels and leather shoes during the lunch time of office hours, the sound and coffee machine steaming the milk and brewing coffee, along with the smell of coffee, the bitterness and sweetness that fills up your inner emotion to give it the extra expression for people to be able to feel how I feel right at this moment. The only thing that has changed is the looks of how a coffee machine looks like in the past and now, the songs they play and the people you see. People that you could see in the past might be wearing old scarfs, tall hats and haggard coats, smoking on their cigars and puffing on pipes, ladies wearing full covered dress with decency and a poise posture, while on the streets you see beggars, milk truck carrying old glass bottled milk, children running around on the streets chasing one another.

But now in the future, everyone is attached to their technology, no one talks; the atmosphere is filled with songs instead of voices, girls wearing less cloth on their body to make it more revealing and for guys that get attracted they forget the reason why they came to the café and end up looking at their legs every time they cross their legs to change the position of sitting. We don’t see kids running around anymore because it is dangerous now with kidnappings and due to the huge amount of cars running around the streets but instead they are quietly sitted on the couch with their phones stuck to their hand.

Could it be because of that, we can’t find good jazz in this world anymore? We hardly hear good old school jazz in this age, everything is mostly digitalized and the fear of future music will be fully digital roams my mind and got me thinking, “will an instrumental musician in the future be supported by future generations?”, “will jazz and blue die and be replaced by techno and RnB killing good old old school songs” and “melody that was supposed to ease our mind and give us relaxation, will it end up corrupting minds with lyrics that doesn’t measure up to life and reality but instead hallucination of dreams and fame, anger and hatred, war and deaths”. Will jazz ever be able to find its way through the hearts of the future generations?.

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